Gwaed dy groes sy'n codi i fyny
Gwaed dy groes sy'n codi ' fyny
Gwaed y groes sy'n codi (') fyny

(Buddugoliaeth y Groes)
1,2,4,5;  1,3,5;  1,4.
Gwaed dy Groes
    sy'n codi i fyny,
  'R eiddil yn goncwerwr mawr:
Gwaed dy Groes sydd yn darostwng,
  Cewri cedyrn fyrdd i lawr.
    Gad im deimlo
  Awel O Galfaria fryn.

Gwaed 'sgrifenodd ar y croesbren
  Gariad nerthol, dwyfol, rhad;
Ni 'sgrifenir ar fy nghalon
  Fyth dy eiriau ond a gwaed
    Dyma 'sgrifen
  A barha yn hwy na'r byd.

Cymer, Iesu, fi fel 'rydwyf,
  Fyth ni allaf fod yn well;
D'allu di a'm gwna yn agos,
  F'wyllys i yw mynd ymhell:
    Yn dy glwyfau
  Bydda' i'n unig fyth yn iach.

Ymddiriedaf yn dy allu,
  Mawr yw'r gwaith a wn'est erioed;
Ti ge'st angeu, Ti ge'st uffern,
  Ti ge'st Satan dan dy droed.
    Pen Calfaria
  Nac aed hwnnw byth o'm côf.

Cofio am farwolaeth Iesu
  O, mor hyfryd ydyw'r gwaith
Dechreu yma ar y ddaear
  Para i dragwyddoldeb maith,
    Haleluia, &c,
  Dyma iachawdwriaeth lawn.
codi i fyny :: codi ' fyny  

- - - - -

Gwaed y groes
    sy'n codi i fyny,
  'R eiddil yn goncwerwr mawr;
Gwaed y groes sydd yn darostwng
  Cawri cedyrn fyrdd i lawr;
    Gad im' deimlo,
  Awel o Galfaria fryn.

F'enaid egwan paid ag ofni,
  'Dyw d'elynion oll yn un,
Ond rhai eisoes wedi eu concro,
  Gan a wisgodd nator dyn:
    Fe fỳn weled,
  Pob rhyw elyn dan fy nhraed.

Dechreu canu, dechreu canmol,
  Yn mhen mil o oesoedd maith,
Iesu, bydd y pererinion
  Hyfryd, draw,
      ar ben eu taith:
    Ni bydd diwedd,
  Byth ar sŵn y delyn aur.

Ni bydd yno
    gofio beiau,
  Dim ond llawn faddeuant rhad;
Poenau'r groes,
      a grym y cariad,
  A rhinweddau maith y gwaed;
    Darfu ofni,
  Daeth-llawenydd yn ei le.

- - - - -
Gaed dy groes sy'n codi i fyny Yr eiddil yn orchfygwr mawr, Gwaed dy groes sydd yn darostwng Cewri cedyrn fyrdd i lawr; Gad in' deimlo, Awel Galfaria fryn. Mwy yw d'eiriau ar y croesbren, Geiriau gwerthfawr, geiriau drud, Mwy yw'r lleiaf sill o honynt, Na'n holl ddyledswyddau i gyd; 'Drychwn yno, Yno mae ein nerth a'n grym.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Alma (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Bryn Calfaria (William Owen 1814-93)
Capel-y-Ddôl (Joseph D Jones 1827-70)

  Cofio am farwolaeth Iesu
  Cymer Iesu fi fel 'r ydwyf
  Dechreu canu dechreu canmol
  (F')Enaid egwan paid ag ofni
  Pan fwy'n myned drwy Iorddonen
  Rhyw anifail wyf heb ddeall
  Ymddiriedaf ynot Iesu

(The Victory of the Cross)
It is the blood of thy cross
    which lifts me up,
  The feeble into a great conqueror:
The blood of thy cross does subdue
  A myriad strong giants down.
    Let me feel
  The breeze from the hill of Calvary.

Blood wrote upon the wooden cross
  Strong, divine, free love;
Not to be written on my heart ever
  Are thy words but with blood
    Here is written
  What shall endure longer than the world.

Take me, Jesus, as I am,
  Never can I be better
It is thou who canst make me near,
  My will is to go far away.
    In thy wounds,
  Alone will I ever be whole.

I will trust in thy power,
  Great is the work thou hast ever done;
Thou hadst death, thou hadst hell,
  Thou hadst Satan under thy feet.
    Head of Calvary
  Never will this go out of my memory.

Remembering the death of Jesus
  O, how lovely is the work
Beginning here on the earth
  Continuing for a vast eternity,
  Here is full salvation.

- - - - -

It is the blood of the cross
    which raises up,
  The feeble into a great conqueror:
It is the blood of thy cross which subdues
  A myriad strong giants down;
    Let me feel,
  The breeze from the hill of Calvary.

My weak soul, do not fear,
  Nought are thy enemies as one,
But those already conquered
  By him who wore man's nature:
    He insists on seeing
  Every kind of enemy under my feet.

Singing will begin, extolling will begin
  At the head of a thousand vast ages,
My Jesus, the pilgrims shall be,
  Delightful yonder
      at the end of their journey;
    There will be no end, etc.
  Ever to the song unto him.

There shall not be there
    any remembering of faults,
  Only full forgiveness, free,
The pains of the cross
      and the force of love,
  And the vast merits of the blood;
    Fearing shall vanish,
  Joy shall come in its place.

- - - - -
'Tis the blood of thy cross that raises up The feeble as a a great overcomer, 'Tis the blood of the cross that humbles A myriad of strong giants down; Let me feel, The breeze of Calvary hill. Greater are thy words on the wooden cross, Precious words, costly words, Greater is the least syllable of them, That all our duties altogether; Let us look there, There is our strength and our force.
tr. 2009,23 Richard B Gillion
Blood of Christ
    exalts the humble
  From the depth of deepest woes,
And subdues the proud transgressor,
  And to him his danger shows;
    Let me feel it, etc.,
  Heavenly breeze from Calvary.

On the Cross the blood hath written
  Everlasting deeds of love;
In my heart the blood hath written
  Name that will be known above.
    What is written, etc.,
  Who can ever take away?

Take me as I am, O Saviour
  Better I can never be;
Thou alone canst bring me nearer
  Self but draws me far from Thee.
    I can never
  But within Thy wounds be saved.

I will trust Thy hand almighty,
  Great the victory Thou hast won;
Death and hell and Satan's kingdom
  By Thy death are all outdone.
    Blessed Jesus, etc.,
  Let me always think of Thee.

Oh, how sweet 'tis to remember
  Of Thy death on Calvary!
Midst our tears the sight is gracious,
  But in heaven no tears shall be.
    Halleluia, etc.,
  He is for us all in all.
  tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884
3 : tr. anonymous
- - - - -  
Calvary's blood
    the weak exalteth
  More than conquerors to be;
Calvary's blood the strong abaseth
  Myriad hosts to bow to Thee.
    O revive me
  With a breeze from Calvary.

tr. Anonymous

Tune [878747]: Bryn Calfaria (William Owen 1814-93)

- - - - -
Jesu's blood can raise the feeble As a conqueror to stand; Jesu's blood is all-prevailing O'er the mighty of the land: Let the breezes Blow from Calvary on me.
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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